Blessed Happiness in our Home ~ Happy are the Poor in Spirit #2 (Matthew 5:3)

Описание к видео Blessed Happiness in our Home ~ Happy are the Poor in Spirit #2 (Matthew 5:3)

We studied in our last lesson, that Jesus came to bring happiness and blessings. He came to make life meaningful. The key to this kind of happiness and this kind of blessedness is found in the Beatitudes. We are to follow a new standard of living, a new kind of life. This type of happiness is deep and genuine and will not change by the world or our circumstances. Jesus said if we live by these selfless standards, we will know true blessings.
Blessed is the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. This is the right attitude towards sin, which will lead our hearts to mourn over our sin. Jesus is saying for us to start here…to be poor in spirit, is to be humble. The biblical definition of humility is the absence of self. Humility is a heart attitude not just the way we ay act outwardly.
Colossians 3:12
Proverbs 16:5
We come to Christ as sinners, we know that we come to Christ having nothing to offer Him but our desperate need for salvation. When He offers us His grace and mercy, we accept it in humble gratitude and commit to live our lives to Him and to others. We learn to “die to self” so that we can become new creations in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Isaiah 66:2
Psalm 34:18
Psalm 51:17
Our Lord and God identifies with people who beg on the inside for His grace and mercy, not people who are self-sufficient, but to those who are spiritually destitute beggars.
Why are these the ones who are blessed and filled with happiness? Because they are the only ones who know the real source of happiness. They are the only ones who know God’s blessedness and Jesus says, theirs is the kingdom.
James 4:10
When we admit our weakness, when we admit our nothingness, that’s just the beginning. It is the hardest thing we will ever do is to admit that we can’t do it, we can’t do this by ourselves. We need to starve our flesh. To be poor in spirit means we ask the Lord everyday to help us live a life of humility dependent on God. The fruit of this dependence on God is true happiness, and true blessedness.
Let’s pray….

Music by Epidemic Sound

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