How to Find Cash Buyers For Vacant Land - Wholesaling

Описание к видео How to Find Cash Buyers For Vacant Land - Wholesaling

In this video I go over how to find a cash buyer for vacant land, these are some ways to find a buyer for a piece of land you have under contract. If you're wholesaling land Virtually you can still use these methods, the only caveat here is if you want to post it on Facebook marketplace or craigslist make sure you post it on the city the deal is at.

1. Determine the type of vacant land and get all your details:
-What is it zoned for?
-How big is the lot?

You want to make sure you don't take the seller's word for it, and go out of your way to double-check the size and type of zoning.

Call the city up and ask if the lot is actually buildable, they'll probably give you some plot lines and other information that you might want to write down if a buyer asks you for that information later on.

2. Propstream:
If you have a big lot under contract you might still want to do all of the methods I showed in this video, but I'd also dig deeper into the data and find the land buyers in your market that are buying up lots similar size to the one you're trying to sale and get it in front of them.

3. The different Methods shown in this video
Using Propstream to find Land Buyers
Facebook Groups
Facebook Marketplace
Zillow to find agents that work with builders

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