🦓 Plains Zebra | 5 Interesting Facts 🦓

Описание к видео 🦓 Plains Zebra | 5 Interesting Facts 🦓

#plainszebra #commonzebra #equusquagga

   / bwoodphotography  

Plains Zebra | 5 Interesting Facts

Did you know that a plains zebra (Equus quagga) is one of the most common zebra species found in Africa?

Zebras communicate through their facial expressions and sounds.
A plains zebra is a medium sized animal. Male zebras can weigh from 475-710 pounds with females weighing in from 386-551 pounds.They measure from 3.5-5.0 feet at the shoulder.

Plains zebras are herbivores, and their primary diet comprises grass. The grass diet is supplemented by consumption of stems, leaves, and twigs of plants which is present across the grasslands of Eastern and Southern Africa.

Their closest relatives are donkeys and horses. The sparkling coat of this species reflects more than 70% of incoming heat, which is likely to help these animals survive under scorching African sun.

The patterns may make it difficult for predators to identify a single animal from a running herd and distort distance at dawn and dusk. Or they may dissuade insects that recognize only large areas of single-colored fur or act as a kind of natural sunscreen. Because of their uniqueness, stripes may also help zebras recognize one another.

They are one of the most well-traveled animals on Earth; their annual 1,800-miles trek is the longest of any land mammal in Africa.

They only require about 2-3 hours of sleep per day, herds usually sleep in shifts.

Zebras are dark with white stripes. Stripes are vertical on the fore part of the body, and tend to be horizontal on the hindquarters. Southern populations also have brown "shadow" stripes between the black and white coloring.

At least six different calls have been documented for the plains zebra. One of which is its distinctive, high-pitched, contact call (commonly called "barking") heard as "a-ha, a-ha, a-ha" or "kwa-ha, kaw-ha, ha, ha" also transcribed as "kwahaah", or "oug-ga".

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0:00 Intro
0:09 trotting up hill
0:21 surveying surroundings
0:28 group drink
0:38 angry zebra
0:45 herd coming into water
0:52 high stepping
0:56 herd drinking
1:00 close-up
1:05 shadow stripes
1:11 foal
1:17 landscape
1:27 running away
1:33 large herd
1:38 going up hill
1:43 spooked
1:54 splashing water
2:12 gotta an itch
2:16 rolling
2:26 greetings
2:40 zebras & impalas
2:49 something’s not right
3:05 Zebra sound

🎵 Music in this video 🎵:
"Northwest Wind"
by Interwoven


ALL IMAGES IN THIS VIDEO ARE COPYRIGHTED, ©Becca Wood - B. Wood Photography. No part of this video shall be downloaded, altered or reproduced in any way or by any means without the formal written permission of B. Wood Photography. All Rights Reserved

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"My profession is to always find God in nature." Henry David Thoreau
"God is in the details." Ludwig Mies van der Rohe



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