Best Areas for Spawning Bass | Spawn Bass Fishing Tips for Spring

Описание к видео Best Areas for Spawning Bass | Spawn Bass Fishing Tips for Spring

Hey y’all! In this video, I continue my series on the seasonal patterns of bass fishing by looking at the spawn! I’ll explain the three key features of good spawning areas and give you examples of spawning areas on a variety of different lakes across the country. I hope you enjoy!


Fishing Footage:

My Seasonal Breakdown of the Pre-Spawn:    • Easy Guide to Pre-Spawn Bass Fishing ...  

Fishing Footage:

Tonez&Re-C - Kyoto by @TONEZPRO (OFFICIAL)   / tonez-pro  
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library    • Видео  

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