Beloved SeaWorld mime fired after 36 years over dispute with security guard:Never let me say my side

Описание к видео Beloved SeaWorld mime fired after 36 years over dispute with security guard:Never let me say my side

A beloved longtime SeaWorld mime claims he was fired from his position following a disagreement with a security guard — and was never allowed to share his side of the story with his bosses.

Lynn Frey, known as “Lynn the Mime,” has been a staple at SeaWorld Orlando for 36 years, where he performed around the aquatic park and before animal exhibits as he became a viral sensation.

But last month, Frey was let go from his position and told he wasn’t allowed back on SeaWorld property after one security guard reported him to human resources.

“I am no longer at SeaWorld, it was not my decision it was theirs,” Frey said in a post to TikTok, saying it took him a month and a half to share the news because he wanted to make sure all his “duckies were in a row.”“I will tell the story, now this is my side of the story, but this is exactly what happened, to me,” he said in the video, which has been viewed over 2.8 million times.

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