Final Fantasy X Walkthrough Part 94 Sun Crest

Описание к видео Final Fantasy X Walkthrough Part 94 Sun Crest

Part 94 - Finishing off Yunalesca.

Wow, that's 1 disgusting face isn't it?
Do NOT forget the Sun Crest from this place. I show where it is after the fight.

She has a pattern in her final form. She always starts out with Mega Death killing everyone. The key to that though is to make sure you stay Zombie before you kill the second form and it won't affect you.

She then proceeds to do something like - Cura/Regen - Hellbiter - Mind Blast - Cura/Regen - Megadeath and so on, in some order like that.

Basically, the only thing you'll have to watch out for is Mind blast.
Mind Blast only deals about 500 on each character, but has a huge chance to inflict confuse status. You either need to be lucky or simply have Confuse Ward on at least 1 character and you're okay. Just Remedy or whatever to remove Confusion or if they managed to kill emself, you can just keep ressing ;)

Since she doesn't use Mind Blast a whole lot, it's pretty easy to survive with just reflect on, avoiding all healing spells and dispeling Regen. Thanks to Zombie Mega Death will be a wasted turn!

If someone dies, you can always try to Haste em before you reflect again. That is, if you're using Reflect.

All in all it's pretty simple when prepared and as long as you can deal with Mind Blast you're ok.

Once again, do not forget Sun Crest.


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