How long does a pregnancy last? - Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar

Описание к видео How long does a pregnancy last? - Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar

The length of the pregnancy is 40 weeks of pregnancy. The term pregnancy we say when the baby achieves a maturity at 37 weeks, minus 3 weeks from her expected date of confinement. In Asian standards in the Indian standard usually the women deliver at 40 weeks plus or minus 3 to 7 days after her expected date of confinement. In a Caucasian population or a Western population, we would be leveraging close to 42 weeks of pregnancy. But the term what we say is between 37 weeks to 42 weeks, theoretically speaking, but most of the Indian women deliver on and around 40 plus or minus3 days. The preterm is what we say is between 28 weeks to 37 weeks. Extreme preterm is those less than 28 weeks of pregnancy.


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