Описание к видео TEF

Purchased the board set in August 2021 and have had all the parts for a long while now, just needing to be put together. I finally get around to doing it.

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  / thatelectronicsfool  

00:00 Intro
02:15 Quick parts overview
05:55 Pre-soldering prep
09:36 Resistor soldering timelapse
11:06 Diode and transistor pin observations
14:25 Pin header length and standoff differences and solutions
17:05 Pre-cleaning component omissions
19:49 LED color descisions
22:20 Waffling about cleaning and soldering mat
25:00 Board cleaning timelapse
26:00 Almost done! Just a few more details...
27:20 ICSP pin header descisions
29:39 Micro SD card adapter support
31:22 Cheap ZIF socket issues
34:10 Smoke test!
35:50 We need firmware, I'm afraid
36:47 USBASP is not a recommended programmer
45:02 AVRDude done, let's test the tester
50:22 Conclusion 1
50:58 ZIF socket solution and actual conclusion


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