My Witchy Room Tour || Everyday Witchcraft

Описание к видео My Witchy Room Tour || Everyday Witchcraft

My Witchy Room Tour for 2021. I wanted to show you which, what and how I use my everyday stuff. This was just as much an eye opener for me as for anyone, it has made me realise that I have most of my equipment in Demon Repelling!. Well that is part or my everyday practice, and this week, I have been slightly taken up with dealing with the dark side of magick. This video was therefore not just welcome relief to make but an appreciation of what I have got, and for this I am truly thankful.

For all of those witches out there, this video has made me realise that you should keep those things that you feel most drawn to close. You dont know where you ever might need them.


I would be thrilled if you could support me on Patreon as there really is something for everyone and it REALLY helps me keep this channel going
  / ginnymetheral  

Do check out my suggested Witch’s kit list, find out if you have everything that I think you need - if you buy I get the teeniest tiniest commission BUT you pay the same price - see what I think here:

Contact me at:
[email protected]
  / ginnymetheral  

#witchyroomtour #witchcraft #2021


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