Network Automation Demo: Automated Backups & 1-Click Restore

Описание к видео Network Automation Demo: Automated Backups & 1-Click Restore

If a backup can’t be restored, you don’t have a backup.

In fact, if you worry about your ability to restore to the right backup, every time, regardless of who is on call that day, you need to reconsider your backup strategy.

BackBox validates every single backup when it’s created, and then again before restoring to ensure success. Specifically, we check for the most common indications of a corrupted backup: file corruption, zero-byte backup, file integrity, and file size deviation

The BackBox automated backup process also serves other protective measures for your organization:

RMAs. By collecting license keys and other metadata, rapid restores can happen straight from BackBox to bare meta,l as long as the new device can be reached by an IP address.

Dynamic Inventory. Collecting metadata during the backup, done without any extra overhead, dynamically enriches CMDBs and other inventory systems.

Problem Solving. A long history of backups can be used to compare changes over time to the benefit of troubleshooting, or better yet, to prevent configuration drift by notifying administrators of configuration changes before they become a risk to the organization.

The BackBox 1-click restore is easy and can invoke both pre- and post-restore checks to prevent delays when every second counts.

Learn more about BackBox Network Automation Platform at:


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