talk | zuko & katara

Описание к видео talk | zuko & katara

"Maybe we don't talk enough."

[1080p + headphones]

Would you believe me if I said this is my first Zutara video?

au plot; During the S2 finale, Zuko kisses Katara in Ba Sing Se.. and she kisses back :o

Everything else happens the same way, except when Zuko joins the Gaang he keeps trying to have "the talk" with Katara and she's not having it. Zuko bros out with Sokka for advice, Katara gradually gets to know him better after Southern Raiders – and by the time they defeat Azula, Katara is ready to accept her feelings too.

basically, it's the ember island players canon on what happened in the catacombs ;)


In terms of where my life is at right now, I just graduated this year but I still find myself drawn to this channel on the most random of days. "Talk" dropped last Friday, and the moment I heard the chorus something just clicked and I had to get my footage out again.

Obviously with "current events" and finally making the jump to full-time freelance, I have a lot more free time to spend working on new edits again, which I'm very thankful for. The first time I tried to quit editing, it was because my full-time job was sitting in front of an Adobe workflow for 13+ hrs, which is incredibly draining for your mental when you want to make something for fun using those same programs.

I've transitioned out of that so it's not really the case anymore, which means I can look at my programs without absolute disdain now. It wasn't the only reason why I first quit YT back in 2016, but it was a factor. Thankfully I feel comfortable that I still love doing this and I'm hoping to give the channel some much needed TLC.

In terms of what you'd like to see, let me know if you enjoyed this Zutara edit and if you'd like to see more!

Take care friends, drink plenty of water and eat lots of halloween candy :)

credits @ 1:11
nymre's portfolio:

#fanvidfeed #zutara #atla #avatar


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