TECNICHE di MEMORIA per STUDIARE: tutto quello che devi sapere

Описание к видео TECNICHE di MEMORIA per STUDIARE: tutto quello che devi sapere

Le tecniche di memoria all'università e nello studio in generale sono una salvezza. Ma cosa sono? E a cosa servono di preciso? Rispondiamo, scienza alla mano, a ogni dubbio... e ci mettiamo pure un esempio pratico!

► Bower, G.H. (1973). How to … uh … remember! Psychology Today, 7, 63-70.
► Bower, G.H., & Clark, M.C. (1969). Narrative stories as mediators for serial learning. Psychonomic Science, 14, 181-182.
► De Beni, R., & Moè, A. (2003). Imagery and rehearsal as study strategies for written or orally presented passages. Psychonomic Bullettin and Review, 10, 975-980.
► Ericsson, K.A. (1988). Analysis of memory performance in terms of memory skill. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Advancesin the psychology of human intelligence (Vol. 4, pp. 137-179).
► Ericsson, K.A., & Kintsch, W. (1995). Long-term working memory. Psychological Review, 102, 211-245.
► Ericsson, K.A., Delaney, P.F., Weaver, G., & Mahadevan, R. (2004). Uncovering the structure of a mnemonist’s superior “basic” memory capacity. Cognitive Psychology, 49, 191-237.
► Glynn, Shawn; et al. (2003). Mnemonic Methods. The Science Teacher. pp. 52–55.
► https://www.researchgate.net/publicat...
► Levin, Joel R.; Levin, Mary E.; Glasman, Lynette D.; Nordwall, Margaret B. (April 1992). Mnemonic vocabulary instruction: Additional effectiveness evidence. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 17 (2): 156–174. doi:10.1016/0361-476x(92)90056-5.
► Luria, A.R. (1968). The mind of a Mnemonist. NewYork: Basic Books.
► Maguire, E. A., Valentine, E.R., Wilding, J.M., & Kapur, N. (2003). Routes to remembering: The brains behind superior memory. Nature Neuroscience, 6, 90-95.
► Massen, C., & Vaterrodt-Plunnecke, B. (2006). The role of proactive interference in mnemonic techniques. Memory, 14, 189-196.
► O’Hara, Ruth; Brooks, John O.; Friedman, Leah; Schröder, Carmen M.; Morgan, Kevin S.; Kraemer, Helena C. (October 2007). Long-term effects of mnemonic training in community-dwelling older adults". Journal of Psychiatric Research. 41(7): 585–590. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2006.04.010.
► Worthen, J.B., & Hunt, R.R. (2011). Mnemonology: Mnemonics for the 21st century. Hove, UK: Psychology Press

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