George Graham's Greatest Ever Arsenal Team

Описание к видео George Graham's Greatest Ever Arsenal Team

Let’s take a trip back in time to the early 1990s as we watch George Graham the Arsenal Manager at the time discussing some of the greatest players ever to represent Arsenal and then having the unenviable task of selecting an all-time Arsenal XI from those players.

Some of the legendary players considered for selection were Jack Kelsey, Bob Wilson, Pat Jennings, John Lukic, Frank Moss, Alex James, Alan Smith, Liam Brady, Charlie George, Alan Ball, Charlie Nicholas, Ted Drake, Ronnie Rooke, Joe Baker, Ray Kennedy, John Radford, Frank Stapleton, Malcolm MacDonald, Frank McLintock, David O’Leary, Tony Adams, Leslie Compton, David Rocastle, Joe Hulme, Freddie Cox, Cliff Bastin, Dennis Compton, Don Roper, George Armstrong, Pat Rice, Bob McNab, Sammy Nelson, Kenny Sansom, Eddie Hapgood, Alex James, Joe Mercer, Jimmy Logie, Alan Ball, Liam Brady, George Eastham

So come and find out who he selected from that huge pool of talent

And who would you pick put your teams in the comments, and don’t forget you can have a 5 man subs bench, and also make sure you name your Manager to lead that team.

But remember it has to be players who represented the club before 1991

Anyway I hope you enjoy the show, and I am looking forward to seeing your teams.


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