NEW WEAPONS! (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 New Weapons)

Описание к видео NEW WEAPONS! (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 New Weapons)

NEW WEAPONS in Black Ops 3!
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New weapons were added to Black Ops 3! Treyarch recently added the HG40 (the new MP40), the RSA Interdiction sniper rifle, the Malice dagger, the MVP baseball bat, and the Carver knife, along with a ton of new taunts and gestures.

Getting new content for Black Ops 3 is great, but I don’t like the current supply drop system. I wish these weapons were made available to people who bought the season pass, or even given to us for free.

Regardless, I still had a ton of fun playing Black Ops 3 with these new weapons, and some of the new taunts and gestures are pretty funny! ^^

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Thanks for watching!

Erik - M3RKMUS1C


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