[#30] My Part in "ORBIT" by MindCap

Описание к видео [#30] My Part in "ORBIT" by MindCap

ESP: Holaaa, tiempo sin subir una parte después en un collab de 4 meses lol.

Primer video del año y primer parte de collab hago este año :)
Durante todo este tiempo de inactividad en mi canal (dos meses) sentí una desmotivación que creo nunca sentí en el editor, tanto asi que apenas abría un nivel nuevo para practicar y no tenia ideas en absoluto de que poder hacer, aunque trataba de hacer lo que podia pero aun asi casi nada. Una semana antes de que MindCap me viniera al DM en Discord a invitarme estaba tratando de volver al editor practicando cositas y webeando tambien, que casualidad lol, no niego que me impresionó que me hablara, pensé que sería algo relacionado a RETURN 0, pero no, me impresionó aún más al saber que era una invitación a un collab nuevo que empezó a hostear, me sentía demasiado suertudo, ya que al saber que consiguió a varios creadores para RETURN 0 o que en si conozca muchos, me eligiera a mí, aun así me sentía con esas falta de ideas y crear en el editor y no sabia que hacer, una gran parte de mi no quería perder esta gran oportunidad de participar en un nuevo proyecto de él, y la otra no quería decepcionarle con una parte muy mala, al final acepté e intenté lo que pude y al final este fue el resultado de ello, y me alegró bastante que le haya gustado.

Tengo que mencionar que me motive un poco porque MindCap me hablo y no solo eso, tambien porque mis amigos son parte de este collab ya que MindCap aceptó cuando le dije si podía invitarles, y pues bueno... nuevamente en un collab haciendo partes junto a los pibes :)

Muchas gracias MindCap por esta oportunidad nuevamente.

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ENG: Hiiiiii, it's been a ong time since I uploaded a part in a collab after 4 months lol.

First video of the year and first collab part I do :)
During all this time of inactivity in my channel (two months) I felt a lack of motivation that I think I never felt in the editor, so much so that I barely opened a new level to practice and I had no ideas at all of what to do, although I tried to do what I could but still almost nothing. A week before MindCap DM me on Discord to invite me, I was trying to get back to the editor practicing stuff and messing around too, what a coincidence lol, I won't deny that I was surprised that he DM me, I thought it would be something related to RETURN 0, but no, I was even more surprised to know that it was an invitation to a new collab that he started to host, I felt too lucky, since knowing that he got several creators for RETURN 0 or that he knows many of them, he chose me, even so I felt with those lack of ideas and motivation to create in the editor and I didn't know what to do, a big part of me didn't want to lose this great opportunity to participate in a new project of him, and the other one didn't want to disappoint him with a very bad part, in the end I accepted and tried what I could and this was the result of it, and I was very happy that he liked it.

I have to mention that I got motivated a little bit because MindCap talked to me and not only that, also because my friends are part of this collab since MindCap accepted when I told him if he could invite them, and well... I'm here again in a collab with the homies again :)

Thank you again MindCap for this opportunity.

~ My Social Media ~

Twitter: https://twitter.com/iKrazoOnTwt?t=ZP9...
Discord: iKrazo6821
Facebook:   / jowis.uwu  

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