RBC (Rostrevor Baptist Church) Online 22 December 2024

Описание к видео RBC (Rostrevor Baptist Church) Online 22 December 2024

Welcome to our Rostrevor Baptist Church Online Live Stream, first streamed at 9:30 AM on 22 December 2024 from Rostrevor Baptist Church in Adelaide, South Australia. Today we have a guest preacher John Beasy who will be bringing another in our advent series "Thank God Your Here".

We hope you enjoyed your stay with us today and we welcome you to join us again on Tuesday here on YouTube or at https://rbc.online.church/ from 6:00 PM for our Christmas Eve carols service and 9:00 AM for Christmas Day. We will not be having a service on the 29th of December (next Sunday) and will Return on the 5th of January.

Going deeper questions.
What does it mean for you when you consider that Gods universal plan is to be with us?
If this is true - how does this determine and direct your values and priorities?
How does the truth that God has come to dwell, challenge human devised upside down values?
To those who worshiped the ancient Gods, the notion of a God who wanted to be with us was a foreign concept.
Those ancient gods were transcendent - out of touch with the human condition and untouchable and unreachable.
What difference does it make to your life and security here and now to know that God has, is, and will yet dwell with us forever?
What are the specific ways that God has come down to dwell with us ?
Consider the pristine state of worth and security we knew at creation in the presence of God in the garden. How might the anticipation of Gods ultimate plan to dwell with us restore a sense it worth and security for life on earth today ?
What specifically does ‘God With Us’ mean for living a flourishing life today?

God help me to live in constant anticipation of your in dwelling presence.
Lord help me turn to your face only to find my deepest sense of worth. Thank you for your plan to be with me now and forever.
Grant me a sense of how great a gift it is to have your presence within. May I know more of the fruit this brings and the security it affords.
Lord, I pray that I may be able to shine light on your presence in the dark and lost places of my world.

For more information about RBC, visit http://rbc.org.au

To connect with us, visit The Hub: http://thehub.rbc.org.au

CCLI Streaming License #174414
CCLI Copyright License #175776
CCLI Public Performance License #327012


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