Adamodi galada - Charukeshi - Version 1 (1982) - The art of communication with the heart of Rama

Описание к видео Adamodi galada - Charukeshi - Version 1 (1982) - The art of communication with the heart of Rama

On listening to a repeated rendition by Dr. Balamuralikrishna in a live concert with well-informed rasikAs, many a times, a discussion repeatedly witnessed was about the “freshness” that was experienced in his presentation, even in renditions like ‘nagumOmu’, which was sung quite often.

Last week, the same topic came up again for discussion with Sri. Ramkumar, as we both listened to ' the 2 renditions' of the remastered audio recordings from the early ‘80s.

The rendition is “ ADamODigaladA in chArukEshi”. These two are rendered in a span of about 1 year and on listening to it, one notices the freshness in each and wonders about its uniqueness.
My discussion with Sri. Ramkumar has resulted fruitfully and here is a narrative that attempts to explain, from the perspective of a well-informed rasika, for how Balamuralikrishna can present the same kriti with an uniquely enduring freshness each time it is rendered.

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“ What is meant by freshness ? It is the point of view of how one can look at the rendition itself each time one listens to a particular rendition, especially in a concert. Generally one knows how a rose smells and there cannot be anything new or different when the same red rose is smelled again. But because there is fragrance attached to the flower that is unique when it emanates from a fresh rose, a fresh rose smells differently. Likewise, the aspect that a particular rendition sets one to view it in a different manner than what one is used to. In the case of a rose, it was that it was plucked just then; in the case of a rendition, it is that it was presented just then at that instant. That is freshness. Just to be clear, rendition includes rAgam AlApana, krti, sAhitya vinyAsam, svara prastAram, RTP, and even muktAyams. There is just no suggestion of predictability, but always a hint of something different.

That freshness, an uniquely enduring one, that Balamuralikrishna imparts to a rendition, is possible due to three aspects:

1) A true power of now—an absolutely in-the-moment presence that is both experiential to everything around him and exploratory.

2) A rare musical acumen—an amazing aesthetic approach due to which he is able to look at the entire rendition and present embellishments, musical and lyrical, with that often elusive to many but always available to him, sense of balance. As a result nothing is over done or under done. He figures out the components then, seeks the balance there, and arrives at the balance in the moment.

3) A childlike curiosity--a fearless and daring attitude to handle the rendition as if he is doing it the first time and just then. A mindset to constantly improvise to perfection then--without settling for merely doing it but do it innovatively.

It is never compulsive but natural, and always aesthetic but never hasty. The old does not come to him since it is boring and uninspiring; and what comes out gushing is exciting and beckoning.

That is how his music is filled with an uniquely enduring freshness every time he renders. One cannot help but make a comparison to food.

It boils down to one asking oneself, “Do I settle down for canned food for convenience, or freshly prepared food for contentment ?” When it comes to Balamuralikrishna’s music, often times it is like settling for freshly made food cooked innovatively then.”

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We have titled these two tracks (version 1 and 2) as
“The art of communication with the heart of Rama”
to express the idea presented in the composition by Saint Tyagaraja and BMK’s uniquely enduring freshness each time it is rendered.

* Version 1 : An excerpt from SFAS Bombay concert (1982) With
Sri. Annavarapu Ramaswamy (Violin) and Sri. Coimbatore
Ramamurthy (Mridangam).

* Version 2 : From BARC Bombay concert (1983) With Sri.
Annavarapu Ramaswamy (Violin) and Sri. Guruvayur Dorai

Both versions have been restored and are digitally remastered for posterity through your listening experience.

My grateful thanks to Sri. Ramkumar for his support in bringing out this upload and please take your time to savour both versions and do share your thoughts.


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