炎の武士カグラセイバー Blazing Samurai Kagura Saber

Описание к видео 炎の武士カグラセイバー Blazing Samurai Kagura Saber


I mainly make ani-song-like songs in AI.
I still have some concerns about the songs and lyrics...but I will post them when I find a song that is somewhat cool or catchy.
If you have any requests to make a song like this, please feel free to comment (⌒∇⌒).

炎の武士カグラセイバー Blazing Samurai Kagura Saber

夜空に燃える 炎の舞
闇を裂く 勇者の剣
零れる輝く 星の涙
瞬間を刻む カグラの鼓動

敵を貫く 雷の刃
心を燃やす 戦士の熱
命を懸けた 夢の果て
立ち向かう魂 見つめろ輝き

炎の武士 カグラセイバー
闇を照らす 天の煌めき
未来を守る 鋼の誓い
共に飛ぶ夢 燃え尽きるまで

激流に抗う 風の忠義
嵐を越えた 勇気の証
傷だらけの 旗を掲げ
くじけぬ心 永遠の誓い

忍び寄る影 掴むその手
偽りの仮面 壊す強さ
新しい時代 迎え撃つ
命燃やし 闇を討つ

炎の武士 カグラセイバー
闇を照らす 天の煌めき
未来を守る 鋼の誓い
共に飛ぶ夢 燃え尽きるまで

A dance of flames that burns in the night sky
The sword of the brave that splits the darkness
Spilling shining star tears
The heartbeat of Kagura that marks the moment

A blade of lightning that pierces the enemy
The heat of the warrior that burns in the heart
The end of a dream that risks its life
The soul that stands up to the foe, gaze upon the sparkle

Kagura Saber, the warrior of flame
The heavenly gleam that illuminates the darkness
Oath of steel to protect the future
Dreams that fly together, until they burn up

Wind's fidelity against the torrent
A proof of courage beyond the storm
We raise our scarred banner
A heart undaunted, an everlasting oath

The shadow that creeps, the hand that grasps
The strength to break the false mask
A new era, we greet it
Burning with life, we strike down the darkness

Kagura Saber, the warrior of flame
The heavenly gleam that illuminates the darkness
Oath of steel to protect the future
Dreams that fly together, until they burn up

#anime #anison #rock #animesong #japan #hero #AI #music #song #masked rider #power rangers #masked #special effect


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