How To Do The Frog Kick | Scuba Diving

Описание к видео How To Do The Frog Kick | Scuba Diving

How to do the Frog Kick

Perhaps the best propulsion (swimming) technique in Scuba Diving is the Frog Kick. Compared to the Flutter Kick, the Frog Kick is more efficient. It is a “kick and glide” motion that conserves energy while delivering a powerful thrust to propel you forward. It is also very effective. Notice how poorly trained divers using the Flutter Kick damage corals and stir up silt when their fin tips hit the bottom of a reef or coral bed. With the Frog Kick, the fins are elevated minimising contact with the aquatic environment.

Good delivery of the Frog Kick starts with a Good Trim. See my video on how to achieve good trim here:    • How To Have Good Trim while Scuba Diving   .

I hope you enjoy this short video on how to do the Frog Kick. Watch it in HD. Please like and subscribe, it will help me add more videos that will help make your diving safer and more enjoyable.

If you’re in the Philippines and would like to learn how to dive or take Advanced / Technical Diving courses, send me a message. If you’re a certified diver, take a Buoyancy, Trim and Propulsion tune-up with me or join us for a fun dive. Escape the city. Explore a new world. Expand your limits.

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