What is Monkey Pox | Why Monkey Pox Is Health Threat and Dangerous? | Prof Dr M Rashid Zia

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What is Monkey Pox, Why Monkey pox Is Health Threat & Dangerous, Prof Dr M Rashid Zia
Monkeypox: A Health Threat and Dangerous Disease Explained by Prof. Dr. M. Rashid Zia

Introduction (Monkeypox, A Health Threat and Dangerous Disease ):
Welcome back to our YouTube channel! In today's video, we will be delving into the topic of Monkeypox—an infectious disease that has recently emerged as a health threat. To help us gain a comprehensive understanding of this disease, we have invited a renowned expert in the field, Professor Dr. M. Rashid Zia, to share his insights. Monkeypox is a viral illness that shares similarities with smallpox but is less severe. However, its potential to cause outbreaks and the associated health risks make it a topic of concern. So, without further ado, let's explore "What is Monkeypox?" and discover why it poses a significant health threat.

I. What is Monkeypox? (Monkeypox, A Health Threat and Dangerous Disease ):
Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease caused by the Monkeypox virus, belonging to the Orthopoxvirus genus. It was first identified in monkeys in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1958. Since then, sporadic human cases have been reported in Central and West African countries. Professor Dr. M. Rashid Zia explains that Monkeypox primarily spreads to humans through direct contact with infected animals, especially rodents and primates, as well as through person-to-person transmission.

The symptoms of Monkeypox resemble those of smallpox and include fever, rash, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Prof. Dr. Zia highlights that the disease can vary in severity, with some cases being mild and others severe. It is crucial to recognize and diagnose Monkeypox early to prevent further transmission and manage the illness effectively.

II. Why Monkeypox is a Health Threat and Dangerous (Monkeypox, A Health Threat and Dangerous Disease ):
Monkeypox is a health threat due to several reasons. Firstly, the virus has the potential to cause outbreaks, particularly in areas with low vaccination coverage against smallpox, as there is no specific treatment or vaccine available for Monkeypox. This makes prevention and control measures critical in limiting its spread.

Moreover, Prof. Dr. Zia emphasizes that Monkeypox can be dangerous because it can lead to severe complications, such as pneumonia and encephalitis, which can be fatal. While the mortality rate is relatively low compared to smallpox, the disease can still have significant health implications, especially for vulnerable populations, such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

The impact of Monkeypox extends beyond the individual level. It can strain healthcare systems and cause economic burdens on affected communities, leading to disruption of daily life and reduced productivity. Therefore, understanding the dangers posed by Monkeypox and taking appropriate preventive measures is of utmost importance.

III. Insights from Prof. Dr. M. Rashid Zia (Monkeypox, A Health Threat and Dangerous Disease ):
In this section, we will delve into the expert insights shared by Prof. Dr. M. Rashid Zia, a leading authority on infectious diseases. With his vast experience and knowledge, Prof. Dr. Zia sheds light on the key aspects of Monkeypox.

Prof. Dr. Zia emphasizes the need for enhanced surveillance and early detection to effectively control Monkeypox outbreaks. He stresses the importance of public awareness and education to prevent the disease from spreading. Prof. Dr. Zia also highlights ongoing research efforts to develop vaccines and antiviral treatments specifically targeting Monkeypox.

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Zia addresses common misconceptions surrounding Monkeypox, clarifying that it is not as deadly as smallpox but should not be underestimated. He discusses the importance of practicing good personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing and avoiding contact with infected animals, to minimize the risk of infection.

Conclusion (Monkeypox, A Health Threat and Dangerous Disease ):
In conclusion, Monkeypox is an infectious disease that poses a significant health threat due to its potential to cause outbreaks and associated dangers. While Monkeypox is less severe than smallpox, it is crucial to understand the risks it presents and take appropriate measures to prevent its spread. Through the valuable insights shared by Prof. Dr. M. Rashid Zia, we have gained a deeper understanding of Monkeypox, including its origins, transmission, symptoms,




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