March in the Dirr Garden: A Walk Through the Redbuds

Описание к видео March in the Dirr Garden: A Walk Through the Redbuds

This new video is focused primarily on Redbud with a mini-bonus discussion of Baptisia variations at the end. There are approximately 15 Redbuds in the Dirr garden, some now 15 years old. They exhibit a wide range of habits, foliage and flower colors. Cercis canadensis, eastern or Canadian Redbud, is one of North America’s great flowering trees. For many years, few variations in ornamental traits were available. Breeding and selection in North Carolina and Tennessee opened the genetic portal to variation never considered possible. The colorful foliage traits in many new cultivars bring an added dimension to the garden extending from the end of flowering to leaf abscission in autumn. May the video educate and inspire you to consider one of the many choices mentioned therein for your own personal garden.


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