Elementary School Counselors, Changing Lives in Oceanside Unified School District, CA

Описание к видео Elementary School Counselors, Changing Lives in Oceanside Unified School District, CA

In the Fall of 2010, four amazing elementary school counselors (Lauren Aponte, Kathie Huisenfeldt, Monica Loyce and Nicole Pablo), were hired to provide much needed school counseling services to students at Palmquist, San Luis Rey, Libby and Del Rio elementary schools in Oceanside, CA. Under the Director of Students Services, Randi Gibson (past) and Cheri Saunders (present), the school counselors implemented a comprehensive school counseling program based on the ASCA National Model and evidenced-based school counseling practices designed to meet the following goals:

Grant Goal #1: Implement a comprehensive elementary school counseling program that is data driven, standards based, accountable for results and serves as a catalyst for expansion throughout the district, as well as influence and support efforts in other districts

Grant Goal # 2: All students will develop the personal/social knowledge, attitudes and skills that will lead to improvements in behaviors that support increased academic achievement.

Grant Goal #3: Identify and provide systematic interventions for students experiencing barriers to academic success.

Student measurable outcomes were met and exceeded!
1. 10% decrease in discipline referrals
2. 10% increase in protective factors and feeling of safety on campus utilizing the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
3. 10% increase in number of students receiving positive evaluations on citizenship and study habits measures on their report cards
4. 10% decrease in truancy rates
5. 10% decrease in number of students receiving negative evaluations on study habits and citizenship measures on report cards.

Site Examples:
Suspensions: 75% reduction from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012
Truancy: Reduction of 567 unexcused absences SY 2010-2011 (1,399) to 2011-2013 (832)
Report Card: 1st Trimester N's in work skills and study habits (3 yr cohort data): 3rd Grade (53); 4th Grade (32); 5th Grade (10).
Report Card: Reduction of N's (Behavior) in 3rd grade: 55 (T1); 37 (T2) ; 22 (T3)

As grant funds were about to expire at the end of 2013, Oceanside Unified shared the quantitative and qualitative impact of the elementary school counseling program to celebrate successes and garner support for sustainable funding. The video was aired April 23, 2013 and received a standing ovation from both Board members and attendees. As a result of the hard work of all involved, and because of the positive student outcomes realized, elementary school counseling has earned legitimacy and sustainability in Oceanside Unified School District for 2013-2014.

One of 64 projects approved for funding by the U.S. Department of Education's Grant Competition for the Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program in 2010, Oceanside Unified School District's grant was co-authored by Rebecca Brenner and Trish Hatch, Ph.D. Trish Hatch also served as grant consultant and program evaluator.

Elementary School Counselors, Changing Lives in Oceanside Unified School District, was written, produced and directed by Steve Lombard, OUSD Director on Communications. Filming and editing by Ken DeWoody and Christian Motos, Moving Pictures Multimedia (2013).


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