Mannequins Mangrove x 2 / sound exploration

Описание к видео Mannequins Mangrove x 2 / sound exploration

Here I explore the interaction of two Mangrove.

I tuned the second Mangrove one 8ve and a 5th higher than the first, so it can create new harmonic content at the output of Mangrove 1.
Mangrove 2 formant Out to Air on Mangrove 1.
Mangrove 2 square out to Mangrove 1 formant in.
An external s&h modulate Mangrove 2 formant.
Enveloppe from Just friends.
sequence from Marbles.
Filtering : Sisters.
Mangrove 2 square out can modulate Mangrove 2 Air.

This video can be a little long but I wish you can hear all the variations and timbres.


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