Fabric of Life: Broom Making with Eva Gaultney

Описание к видео Fabric of Life: Broom Making with Eva Gaultney

In this video Eva Gaultney will be making a hand broom. The broom is made of broomcorn and broomcorn stalks. The stalks are soaked in warm water for 30 minutes and then sliced down the middle in preparation for making the broom. The rest of the process is featured in the video.

Eva has been making brooms since 2014 when it was her labor position at Berea College. She enjoyed the process of working with her hands and creating something that would be used and enjoyed by other people. She loves being a part of keeping this traditional craft alive.

Fabric of Life provided Eva with an opportunity to attend the 2019 Vav Immersion and she is currently a Fabric of Life Program Provider.
Fabric of Life's annual Barnfest event helps support our mission of preserving traditional skills. While we wish we could be hosting this event in person, we hope this virtual format will allow more people to be involved in helping to sustain the work of Fabric of Life through our online fundraiser auction (https://www.ebay.com/usr/fabric-of-li....
Several of Eva's handmade brooms are featured in our fundraiser auction!
Bidding on our online auction items closes on Tuesday, October 27th at 10AM EST!!
Fabric of Life is a 501(c)3 not for profit educational organization dedicated to the preservation and passing on of knowledge and skills that enrich our daily lives. We strive to see traditional skills flourish in our modern world and make these educational opportunities available to future generations. Working together creating practical things of beauty not only improves quality of life, but also strengthens communities.

Learn more about Fabric of Life at: https://fabric-of-life.org/


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