DIY: Michaels Decor Hack - The Look for Less Collab

Описание к видео DIY: Michaels Decor Hack - The Look for Less Collab

Let's get organized!
This DIY Michaels Decor hack saved me over $75!! Both projects cost under $15 total to make. This easy project was so inexpensive, I hope you enjoy the tutorial!

The free printable for the Hot Cocoa Station came from:

Visit my blog at

Here are the list of other channels taking part in this collab:

Amateur Decorating Like A Pro:
   / @amateurdecoratinglikeapro  

Annie's Simple Life:
   / @anndunnington  

Be My Guest with Denise:
   / @bemyguestwithdenisedenisec7271  

Bored or Bananas:
   / @boredorbananas  

   / @clutterbug  

Dixie Debutantes:
   / @findingkellyann  

For the Love of Organizing:
   / @fortheloveoforganizing  

His and Her Money:
   / @hisandhermoney  

House of Aqua:
   / @houseofaqua  

Live Love Latte:
   / @simplycherie  

Lydia Senn:
   / @thereallydiasenn  

Sweet and Simple Home:
   / @sweetandsimplehome   Pre-order my NEW book for just $11.57 here:


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