Russian Plural [All Genders & All Groups of Exceptions]

Описание к видео Russian Plural [All Genders & All Groups of Exceptions]

01:32 Regular Plural Endings: Masculine
11:10 Regular Plural Endings: Feminine
14:28 Compliments for your girlfriend
22:34 Regular Plural Endings: Neutral
38:55 Hi, honey! How are you doing today?
44:36 Regular Plural Endings: Summary (All genders)
46:27 Irregular Plural Endings: The 7-letter Rule
52:31 Compliments for your girlfriend
1:09:20 True Exceptions: Separate-Root Exceptions
1:16:29 True Exceptions: Masculine Nouns That Become Like Neutral
1:29:03 True Exceptions: Masculine Nouns That Look Like Feminine
1:32:53 Great phrase to let her know she is very special
1:36:11 True Exceptions: Feminine Exceptions
1:45:15 True Exceptions: Neutral Exceptions
1:51:41 True Exceptions: Nouns With Fleeing Vowels
1:53:12 Affectionate Nicknames
2:00:03 Recommendations
2:01:31 Behind The Scenes

---------------Links to the songs and movies-------------
"Надежда" (=Hope) written by Alexandra Pakhmutova    • Анна Герман - Надежда, мой компас земной  
"Ты, ты и только ты" (=You, you and only you) by Zhanna Aguzarova    • ЖАННА АГУЗАРОВА-Ты,только ты и новая ...  
Movie "Чародеи" ("The Wizards")    • Видео  
Movie "Брат-2" ("Brother-2")    • Брат 2 | Сергей Бодров | Алексей Бала...  
"Солнцу навстречу" (=Towards the Sun) by ГРОТ and 25-17    • 25/17 п.у. ГРОТ "Солнцу навстречу" (2...  
"Жёлтые ботинки" (=Yellow shoes) by Zhanna Aguzarova    • "Желтые ботинки"-Жанна Агузарова.гр "...  

Take a look at the most comprehensive guide on Plural of Russian nouns. This video lesson will teach you hot to make Plural forms of Russian Masculine, Feminine and Neutral nouns. You will learn about the hard and soft variants of endings because in Russian we have more than one ending option when it comes to Plural.
You will also learn about the difference is between "irregular endings" (the 7-letter rule) and "true exceptions". Irregular endings are just modifications of regular ones, and the "true exceptions" use completely different mechanisms of formation.
This guide is the most well-structured video lesson on Russian Plurals you can find. Each chapter is separated by a heading and you can watch it individually by clicking on the time code.

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