100 Protestors Arrested on 2nd Day of Palestine Protests / Columbia University, NYC 4.19.24

Описание к видео 100 Protestors Arrested on 2nd Day of Palestine Protests / Columbia University, NYC 4.19.24

4.19.24 | by Usman | MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS, Manhattan - For the 2nd day this week Pro Palestine protesters have occupied the South Lawn of the campus demanding the school to divest from Israeli related investments and what they see as the schools policy towards Pro Palestine activism on campus. About 100 protesters were taken into custody yesterday as school authorities in conjugation with thee NYPD wanted to quell protests on the South Lawn. Protesters vow to stay protesting until their demands of divestment from Israel is done by the school. College Minouche Shafik who was in Washington for A Congressional Hearing on Anti Semitism in school”s campus released a statement saying "I regret that all of these attempts to resolve the situation were rejected by the students involved. As a result, NYPD officers are now on campus and the process of clearing the encampment is underway," she said. One of the arrested protesters is the daughter of Minnesota Congresswoman Illhan Omar who attends neighboring Barnard College .


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