The 25 writing mistakes that scream amateur writer

Описание к видео The 25 writing mistakes that scream amateur writer

Grab our Idea Generator Tool to help you get your imagination going all the way from first idea to a full-length outline. We’ll also give you all the slides for this video and all the others on our channel:

As for the mistakes themselves … Don’t, I repeat, don’t do these things! There are just a few things as a writer, that are such easy tells to an agent or editor and they’ll scream, I’m a new writer. The good news, they’re such easy writing mistakes to avoid. And if you have included them in your writing, don’t panic because they’re also really easily fixed.

Harry Bingham takes you through the writing mistakes that literary agents will be able to spot a mile off – and all mistakes commonly made by newbie writers.

Okay okay, 25 is quite a lot, so if you’ve made all of them, we won’t lie, you might have a fair bit of editing to do. However, we very much doubt that’s the case. We suggest you use this video as a checklist. Make sure you eliminate all of those writing mistakes before approaching agents/self-publishing/sending to editors, believe us, they’ll (and your readers) will thank you for it.

This video covers everything from using run on sentences, to how to drip feed information throughout your book and overusing certain punctuation marks!!!!

Watch it now to avoid very easy writing mistakes and ensure your writing screams professional, rather than amateur writers.

And a reminder – you can get all the slides from all our YouTube videos by going here:


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