Outriders Worldslayer // My way to farm Gear for my Build faster \\ for my Pyromancer Battle Mage

Описание к видео Outriders Worldslayer // My way to farm Gear for my Build faster \\ for my Pyromancer Battle Mage


since my last Build Vid, i farm the next day for better gear(Stats).

I wanna show you how i do that, for the moment i skip the Final Boss.

The reason is it takes to long (depend on gear/build lvl etc.)

With my Build i need 20min to Final Boss, included all trys, thats way to long.

Now i kill only the first Arbiter Boss with all trys and check all Vendors.

In 30min are 3 First Arbiter Boss Runs possible with all trys.

After that check your loot and then travel to the Vendors.

Also keep in mind the vendor reset times.

On this way i foundy gear for my build even faster then bevor.

Best regards 😉


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