
Описание к видео #BattleRoyale

I am endeavoring to do a series of videos wherein my collage decks compete/battle for the top ten spots. Come with me for the Olympic style games, and find out through competition, which decks are the best... and should some of them meet their untimely demise?

Not competing:
M J Cullinane decks (I'm biased. We're going to say they didn't pass the drug test)
Picatrix Decans by J Swofford (basically a callender)
Adept Tarot by Delilah Miske is at the bottom

Competitors in this video:
TWU Alchemy Oracle by Kim Krans
TWU Archetypes Oracle by Kim Krans
Fallen Angel Oracle by Nigel Suckling
Starchild Acashic Tarot by Danielle Noel
Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel
Tyldwick Tarot by Neil Lovell
Bohemian Gothic Tarot by Baba Studios
Victorian Romantic Tarot by Baba Studios
Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot by Kelly Burton

Other decks that will compete in this series:
Ancient Ritual Postures Oracle by Mariah Parker and Susan Josephson
Universal Mind Oracle by Michelle Black
Dirt Gems by Anne Louise Burdett and Chelsea Granger
Jumbledance Tarot by Alexandra Genetti
The Goblins and Gardens Tarot by Jonathan William Sasha
Touchstone Tarot by Kat Black
Crows Magick Tarot by Londa Marks
Stretch Tarot by J. Stretch
Aqua Maree Tarot by Alexa Marie Harrington
Tarot of the Zirkus Magi by Doug Thornsbo
The Rosebud Tarot by Amanda Lee Stilwell
Madam Lydia Wilhelmina's Monsters Macabre and Autumn Scenes by Bethalynne Bajema
Tiny Sparrow Tarot by Neysa Paz
Mystic Masters Tarot by Dani Mystic ‪@DaniMystic‬
Sistine Tarot by ‪@rosebaetarot‬
Ritual Tarot by ‪@tieramay‬

#tarotdecks #tarot #tarotcollection #tarotcollector #rwstarot #tarotcommunity #taroteverydamnday #oracle #collagetarot #tarotbattleroyale


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