Falling into the Hands of the Living God, Thomas Keating

Описание к видео Falling into the Hands of the Living God, Thomas Keating

Britannica.com says that the transcendent "appears as a 'mysterium tremendum et fascinans' — that is, a mystery before which humanity both trembles and is fascinated, is both repelled and attracted. Thus, God can appear both as wrathful or awe-inspiring, on the one hand, and as gracious and lovable, on the other."

Fr. Thomas Keating explores this concept in greater detail, helping us ponder the awesomeness of God and our relationship with God.

Fr. Thomas gave this talk at a Contemplative Outreach Circle of Friends retreat at St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado July 2013.

For more on Fr. Thomas, Centering Prayer, and Contemplative Outreach go to http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org.


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