2022年「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 - 得獎者感受

Описание к видео 2022年「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 - 得獎者感受

2022年「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 - 香港分站賽已經圓滿結束,參賽隊伍逾 150 隊,再創紀錄。比賽促成了超過 60 個與大灣區投資者及企業代表的會面,進行意向融資對接。大賽最終由兩間數碼港初創囊括冠、亞軍。濃說科技Wizpresso,以監管科技解決方案「濃說洞察」獲得冠軍, Gense Technologies,以用於遠程診斷篩查和慢性疾病監測的便攜式自助醫學成像,獲得亞軍。至於高瞻創新科技有限公司,以微型防抖雲台獲得季軍。一起重溫各得獎者的得獎感受。

Maker in China 2022 SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest – Hong Kong Chapter Final Highlights The Hong Kong Chapter final has successfully concluded with a record number of over 150 entries. Over 60 business matching meetings with investors and enterprises from the Greater Bay Area were arranged for the finalists on the day. Two out of the three winning teams are members of the Cyberport Community, namely Wizpresso, the Champion, and Gense Technologies, the 1st Runner up of the contest. The 2nd Runner up goes to Vista Innotech Limited. Check out the thoughts of the winners of the Hong Kong Chapter final!


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