垂直發射艦載導彈,居然有多種發射方式?視頻帶你領略區別所在(There are many ways to launch ship-borne missiles vertically? )

Описание к видео 垂直發射艦載導彈,居然有多種發射方式?視頻帶你領略區別所在(There are many ways to launch ship-borne missiles vertically? )

隨著世界軍工技術的不斷變革和發展,經過兩次世界大戰的洗禮之後,人類終於將主戰場從陸地轉向了海洋。這麽做有兩大好處,第一,戰爭的勝負往往不會影響到百姓的正常生活;第二,戰爭的周期往往比較短,不會再像過去那樣一打就是幾年,而且也為人類遠距離作戰開辟了新道路。(With the continuous change and development of world military technology, after the baptism of the two world wars, mankind finally turned the main battlefield from land to sea. There are two major advantages to this. First, the victory or defeat of the war often does not affect the normal life of the people; second, the cycle of war is often relatively short, and it will not be as long as a few years in the past, and it is also far for mankind. Distance combat opened up a new path.)


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