STR - High Level Overview of PriceLabs, Airbnb, OwnerRez (PMS) connections

Описание к видео STR - High Level Overview of PriceLabs, Airbnb, OwnerRez (PMS) connections

For all the Self-managed short term rental hosts (STR) and real estate investors! In this video, I'll go over a high level overview of how PriceLabs connects to AirBnB and PMS like OwnerRez. I'll show a graphical illustration of the hierarchy on how all these integrate and talk togther.
In a later video, I'll publish more details on step-by-step for each on of these processes.
I also go over a few scenarios from simple AirBnB only and why you'd want that, versus adding dynamic pricing like PriceLabs, and also when its needed to add Property management System (PMS) like OwnerRez (in my example).


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