SmartX-Alpha active morphing wing continuous inflight optimisation advanced technology demonstrator

Описание к видео SmartX-Alpha active morphing wing continuous inflight optimisation advanced technology demonstrator

We would like to present you Smatrx-alpha a fully integrated seamlessly morphing wing, capable of continuous active inflight optimisation with state of the art actuation, control and sensor design.

This wing was designed and developed at TU Delft as a multidisciplinary effort between departments of Aerospace Structures and Computational Mechanics, Novel Aerospace Materials and Aerospace Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory.

The composite wing of the prototype was manufactured by Martin Weberschock Prototyp-Entwicklung lab together with the SmartX-team, under the excellent guidance of Martin Weberschock. This lab specializes in the development and consultation of specialized composite wing prototypes:

This Hardware demonstrator has won the prestigious Hardware Competition
of the ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems and was the runner up of the best paper award:

Link to the publication:

The video is developed by a talented moviemaker Dreux productions:

D-sim real-time distributed simulation and control architecture:

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