89 Episodes of Captain Swan in 178 Seconds

Описание к видео 89 Episodes of Captain Swan in 178 Seconds

My original version of this video got blocked so this is it with a different song and more at the end because the song is longer (Yes there is bonus video at the end, the 178 seconds ends with Emma and Hook on his boat)

If you wanna see what I originally intended for this video was follow one of these links:

If you wanna here my long winded rant keep reading:
So essentially I was trying to choose between Love Me Like You Do and Capital Letters (I went back and forth a billion times while editing), I chose Capital Letters which was DUMB. I absolutely adored that version and it got blocked worldwide. Then I went and changed the song to Love Me Like You Do but it needed an extra 40 seconds of video which might not seem like alot but it's ALOT. So yes I did spend the entire day editing this video, you better enjoy it lol. If you read this comment Cactus down below.

ALSO: Which version do you like better?
ALSO: There are more than 89 episodes but those were the ones I could get decent scenes of, I left out 3x09, 4x21, 5x06, 5x09, 5x16, 6x04, 6x16


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