Dressing the Part: The Lawman

Описание к видео Dressing the Part: The Lawman

Lawmen in the Old West and how to dress to look like them

Special thanks to Legends of America: https://www.legendsofamerica.com/

Thanks to Patrick Bartley for his great photos:https://www.bartleyphotography.com/OC French Knight
by Taurus-ChaosLord

Get outfitted for your Lawman at Wild West Mercantile: http://www.wwmerc.com"

Rattlesnake Railroad  - Written and Performed by Brett Van Donsel  2015 brettvandonselmusic.com"
Our friends and collaborators:

Trail Dust Town: http://www.traildusttown.com

Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros:    / @pistoleroswildwest9050  

Rick and Penny's Place:   / rick-and-pennys-place-823316137855066  

Batjac JW:    / scorpio86ist  

Jedi TV:    / jedigunfighter  

Dustin Winegar:    / utahconcealedfirearm  

Ravenna Old and New West Vestures: http://ravennaoldwest.comRavenna commercial:    • Видео  St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railway: https://www.slimrr.com/

Facebook:   / arizonaghostriders  

Twitter:   / santee2171  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/az_ghostrid...


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