EP 9 Nurturing Soils, Harvesting Benefits with David Hardwick

Описание к видео EP 9 Nurturing Soils, Harvesting Benefits with David Hardwick

The Challenge of Change.
Change is inevitable - look at human evolution, so why do we struggle with it?
For decades many farmers have continued doing what their father did, but whether through Government regulation or industry practices, the need to do things differently has never been so urgent.
Earlier this year in Ingham, North Queensland, a group of likeminded growers gathered to experience an event focussing on regenerating depleted and compacted soils.
The Regenerative Cane Forum began in 2019 to share knowledge and foster grower networks, attracting many Project Catalyst members, including Gino Zatta who opened the family farm to demonstrate implemented farming practices.
The Zatta brothers manage 520HA of Cane land - and have been addressing soil health issues through cover cropping, resulting in surprising cash crops, like beans and hemp. They welcome the opportunity to share their knowledge.
David Hardwick, one of the Regen Cane Forum organisers, works closely with farmers across all sectors of agriculture. Over the last 20 years he’s witnessed first-hand the challenges of change.

Project Catalyst is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, and The Coca-Cola Foundation with support from WWF- Australia

Produced and Directed by Kim Kleidon - KK Creative Content


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