Un-Forgiveness Is Wrecking You (3 Steps To Stop The Cycle)

Описание к видео Un-Forgiveness Is Wrecking You (3 Steps To Stop The Cycle)

How are we supposed to forgive when it seems impossible? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that if we don't forgive, we won't be forgiven. Full forgiveness brings absolute freedom, and absolute freedom is what we're all after. Is there anyone who you hold resentment towards? In this video I share the three steps that helped me get free.

Study the Bible with me in this brief Bible teaching.

Hi, I’m Curtis. I'm director of the Oasis Project, and I've recently moved to Sweden with my wife and three munchkins. You can follow along with us by subscribing here: www.oasisproject.church/updates

This is the Oasis Project: www.oasisproject.church


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