哪个是最好的漱口水?牙齒染色?漱口水可以代替刷牙吗?漱口水怎么用?What is the best mouthwash for Bad Breath?

Описание к видео 哪个是最好的漱口水?牙齒染色?漱口水可以代替刷牙吗?漱口水怎么用?What is the best mouthwash for Bad Breath?

有口臭,绑牙,或者有牙周病的朋友该怎么选择适合的漱口水? 怎么用漱口水才会达到更好的功效呢?



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00:00 赶着出门不刷牙
00:43 为什么漱口水不能代替刷牙 Why can't mouthwash replace the toothbrushing
01:43 如何選擇适合自己的漱口水 (學看成分)How to select the best mouthwash (Watch the ingredients)
02:14 氯己定漱口水 Chlorhexidine Mouthwash
03:20 什么是口腔菌群 What is Oral MicroFlora
04:48 谁适合含氟漱口水 Fluoridated Mouthwash
05:35 西吡氯铵漱口水 What about CPC Mouthwash
05:55 含酒精漱口水 Alcohol containing mouthwash
06:22 草本漱口水 Essential Oils Mouthwash
06:40 牙齿美白漱口水 Teeth Whitening Mouthwash
07:33 如何正确使用漱口水 How to use mouthwash in correct way
07:53 先刷牙还是先用牙线漱口水 Steps of oral care
09:21 为什么用了漱口水还是有口臭 Why I am still having bad breath after using mouthwash

Can mouthwash replace toothbrushing when I'm in a hurry? How do I choose the right mouthwash? What is the best way to use a mouthwash to achieve better results?

It doesn't matter which brand of mouthwash you use, what matters most is the ingredients of the mouthwash you purchase. The video will also explain why some mouthwashes should not be used every day!

If you have any concerns after watching this, please leave me a comment below.
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Let's be friends! I'll be updating from time to time! 🦷🛎
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#漱口水 #mouthwash #chlorhexidine


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