Thrusting Lance - Kenpo knife defense technique for a front knife thrust in a defensive posture

Описание к видео Thrusting Lance - Kenpo knife defense technique for a front knife thrust in a defensive posture

Self Defense Techniques: In this episode Mr James of Charm City Karate demonstrates Thrusting Lance, which is a Kenpo self defense technique for a front knife thrust, with you in a fighting stance.

Thanks to Mr Max for taking the whoopings!

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Thrusting Lance (front knife thrust, in a fighting stance)
1. While in a right neutral, deliver a right inward downward strike and grab to inner right
wrist of opponent as left foot shifts (to 4:00).
2. Push drag forward (with your right hand maintaining grab) and strike to opponent's groin with a left underhand heel palm strike and grab.
3. Shift right foot back (to 6:00) as left hand assists right hand in twisting opponent's wrist clockwise, forcing opponent to bend forward and breaking opponent's right wrist.
4. Left front snap kick to opponent's right knee and a right chicken kick to opponent's
5. Strip the knife from your opponent's hand as you plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow, checking your opponent's right arm with your left hand and deliver a right underhand lifting cut (vertically) to opponent's throat.
6. Turn your right hand (which is above opponent's head) clockwise and cut down (vertically) to back of opponent's neck, and then drop the knife.
7. Circle right arm counter clockwise (starting a figure 8 pattern which should be visualized laying on its side) and strike opponent's left jaw hinge with right back knuckle.
8. Continue figure 8 pattern and deliver a right hammer-fist to opponent's right jaw hinge.
9. With opponent bent over, have your right hand hook over (shape of the crane) and under opponent's right armpit, hooking opponent's right arm out and away from you, as you step through with the left foot into a left neutral (to 12:00), executing a left vertical elbow to underside of opponent's right armpit.
10. Drag (to 10:00) and step out (to 10:00) into a left reverse bow, buckling opponent's right leg as you execute a left downward hammer-fist to opponent's right rib cage while simultaneously striking with a right inward downward hammer-fist (similar to a universal block) to opponent's mastoid.
11. Left front crossover and cover out twice to 4:00.


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