Essentials in Nursery Bed making- Collards Mfalme F1

Описание к видео Essentials in Nursery Bed making- Collards Mfalme F1

Knowing before you apply is better than applying without knowledge and fail. In this video I am explaining how to make a simple nursery bed for kales.
What you need to know:
1. The width of the nursery bed should be 1metre and length is of your on desire.
2. Spacing of the lines is 10-15 cm apart.
3. Seeds be spaced into 3 cm apart.
4. Depth from seed place to the surface should be closed at 2cm.
5. Spread DAP or manure on top.
6. Mulch densely for tow days and on the third day,reduce the mulch.

Presenter: BenHopekins Farm


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