脂肪肝能长期吃护肝片吗 余轶群 北京中医药大学东方医院

Описание к видео 脂肪肝能长期吃护肝片吗 余轶群 北京中医药大学东方医院

脂肪肝能长期吃护肝片吗 余轶群 北京中医药大学东方医院

Can fatty liver take liver protecting tablet for a long time
This is also a mistake, Does fatty liver need treatment or not, What are the drugs it treats, Fatty liver first of all, we said, When it needs to intervene, It's in steatohepatitis, Fatty liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, At this time, We need drug intervention; When it's a simplicity, When you have fatty liver disease, It can be done without drug intervention, It requires diet and exercise, It could be reversed. So liver protecting tablets, This medicine is a traditional Chinese medicine, So far, We're treating fatty liver, There are no drugs that are known to have specific effects, So if we need medication, I suggest that we still invite patients, To a regular hospital, Follow the doctor's instructions for medication.


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