Felt An Ancient Textile and It's Uses

Описание к видео Felt An Ancient Textile and It's Uses

Discover the origins of this ancient textile with this presentation by The Felt Store, a family-owned business.

About this event
The Felt Store will be hosting an educational talk on the historical and modern uses of Felt in creative and industrial spaces. Join us as we discover the origins of this ancient textile and learn a little more about the family-owned business that still operates one of the oldest felt mills in the world to this day.

About the presenter: The Felt Store is Canada's one-stop-shop for felt materials and products online. We are a proudly Canadian and family-owned business drawing from over four generations of felt making experience. There's a real person behind every material we offer, every package we ship, and every interaction we have with you. We service a growing online community of crafters, designers and industrial markets with the focus on sustainable growth, authenticity, and inspiring creativity for an ancient textile in the modern world.

This is a recording of a live virtual program on August 4, 2022


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