Counting Heartbeats

Описание к видео Counting Heartbeats

Kids can feel their hearts working hard to help their bodies healthy!

1. Watch the video together, then ask children to show you where their hearts are. Explain that they don’t need a stethoscope to feel their hearts beat! If they stay still and press a hand softly on their chests, they’ll feel it! Tell kids that the heart keeps the whole body healthy.
2. Speed up your heartbeats by doing a few jumping jacks together. Echo what the Count said: moving is great for you and gives you a healthy heart.
3. Explain that it’s also important for our bodies to get rest and for our hearts to slow down. Encourage children to take deep belly breaths and to notice how their heartbeats change. You might ask them to lie on their backs and focus on their breathing. Count aloud slowly as they inhale (“1, 2, 3”) and exhale (“3, 2, 1”). Ask them to notice how their hearts are slowing down, and explain that breathing deeply is a great way to calm the body and slow the heart down.

Sesame Street in Communities brings free video content of everyone's favorite, furry Muppet friends as they help children and the adults in their lives reach their highest potential. Grover and the gang will tackle a variety of topics that face children in the areas of health and well-being, school readiness, and emotional well-being. Some of the content and topics presented are more sensitive, so you should preview these videos before sharing with a child. For free resources and tips, follow us at   / sesamestreetincommunities  

Sesame Street is a production of Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit educational organization. The Workshop produces Sesame Street programs, seen in over 150 countries, and other acclaimed shows, including The Electric Company. Beyond television, the Workshop produces content for multiple media platforms on a wide range of issues including literacy and numeracy, emotional well-being, health and wellness, and respect and understanding. Learn more at


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