10 Massive Projects Transforming Enugu State

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#petermbah #enugu #enugunigeria
With Governor Peter Mbah's administration committed to an overarching vision of growing Enugu State's gross domestic product (GDP) to $30 billion in the next four to eight years, his ambitious economic agenda and the radical policies being implemented in health, education, security, water, and road infrastructure are already beginning to yield results. Indeed, "tomorrow is here." Governor Mbah has made notable strides across several key sectors, particularly in boosting Enugu State's GDP, fostering economic growth, and addressing persistent issues in water distribution, agriculture, infrastructure, education, security, and healthcare.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to ConnectsLogTV, where we create edutainment videos about Africa and the world. Today, we'll be looking at the top 10 massive projects transforming Enugu State from 2024 to 2025 and beyond, in no particular order. If that sounds like something you're interested in, please like, subscribe, share and comment on which project you find most exciting. Let's get started!
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Intro - 0:00 - 1:07
Enugu Water Project - 1:07 - 2:06
Enugu Smart School Project / Enugu Smart Green School Project - 2:06 - 3:21
Enugu Ultramodern Bus Terminal/ Enugu State Smart Transport Program - 3:21 - 4:36
Road Construction & Rehabilitation in Enugu - 4:36 - 5:26
HealthCare Project - 5:26 - 6:18
Enugu Asphalt Production Mega Plant - 6:18 - 7:33
Moribund United Palm Oil Production /
Enugu State United Palm Production Ltd- 7:33 - 8:35
Enugu Smart City/ Enugu New City - 8:35 - 9:16
Enugu International Conference Centre/ International Conference Centre Hotel - 9:16 - 10:07
International Terminal/ Airport Ugrade Enugu - 10:07 - 11:01
Security - Distress Response Squad - 11:01 - 12:10
NigerGas Company - 12:10 - 12:47
Revamping Hotel Presidential - 12:47 - 13:00
Outro - 13:00 - 13:18

#governorpetermbah #enugu #enugustate #petermbah #enugugovernment #enuguwaterproject #ninthmilewaterproject #ninthmileenugu #ninthmileultramodernwaterfacility #ojiriverwaerscheme #enugusmartschoolproject #enugusmartgreenschoolproject #nkanuenugu #enugusmartschoolowo #enuguultrabusterminalproject #holyghosbusterminal #garikibusterminal #abakpabusterminal #nsukkabusterminal #enugustaesmartransportprogram #roadconstrucioninenugu #roadrehabilitationinenugu #enugunewteachinghospital #enuguasphaltplant #enuguasphaltproductionmegaplant #moribundunitedenugu #enugustatepalmoil #enugusmartcity #enugunewcity #internationalconferencecentreenugu #internationalconferencecenterenugu #enuguinternationalconferencecentre #internationalconferencecentrehotelenugu
#enuguairportugrade #enuguinternationalterminal #enugudistressresponsesquad #distressresponsesquad #securitcamerasinenugu #nigergascomoanenugu #hotelpresidentialenugu
#enugunigeria #governorofenugustate #enugu2024 #enugu2025 #enugu2026 #ongoingprojecsinenugu #connectslogtv


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