Shadow The Hedgehog Can Smile

Описание к видео Shadow The Hedgehog Can Smile

Silver and Sonic never saw Shadow smile...This is where it all began.

It's been awhile since I had more then one voice actor in my videos lol So this videos is kinda special to me and it's also the first real dub me and Mardic did together.

Ever wanted to see Mardic, Silverknux1991 and shadow759 and smoov28 and SerafinaHedgehog AND The art and voice of Idol3341 Together???

NO! But we don't care we did it anyways ENJOY!

Sonic: Mardic
Shadow,Gerald,Warning and later voice: Shadow759


Waiter: Smoov28

Idol: As her self Idol3341.

Comic by Idol334.

Other things? Watch the video at the end.

Read the comic: (english and spanish)


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