EP 29 | "How do I know when God brings the right life partner to me?" | Doug Batchelor

Описание к видео EP 29 | "How do I know when God brings the right life partner to me?" | Doug Batchelor

Answering questions such as "How do I know when God brings the right life partner to me?"

Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Pastor Jean Ross, Ep29 (11/26/2023)
Please call in your Bible questions to 1-800-463-7297

00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Start of Program
06:34 - Why is Jesus called the “first-born of the dead” both in Revelation 1:5 and Colossians 1:18?
08:32 - Is it necessary to ask forgiveness multiple times for the same sin, or is it forgiven the first time we ask?
10:49 - Who are the redeemed reigning over in the millennium?
13:36 - Was the prophetess Deborah married, and did she nurse Rebecca?
15:29 - In the book of Judges, what was the purpose of the Levite cutting his concubine into 12 pieces?
18:03 - Why is Joseph not mentioned again after he and Mary find Jesus in the temple?
20:29 - Please explain Ecclesiastes 10:19?
23:10 - Did God sacrifice the animal used to cover Adam and Eve?
25:10 - Is Zechariah 14:4 prophesying a future event of Jesus’ feet touching the Mount of Olives?
27:18 - How do I know when God brings the right life partner to me?
32:53 - What does it mean to “obey your parents in the Lord” in adulthood?
34:43 - Does the Bible provide encouragement when life gets difficult?
38:02 - Please explain Matthew 22:44?
40:09 - Why is it considered legalism to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath?
43:01 - If we do not need to sacrifice animals anymore, why is Yom Kippur still observed?
45:44 - When Israelite men married foreign women and divorced, was this God’s will?
48:51 - After the crucifixion, where did Jesus go spiritually?
51:27 - When Christ died, was this the first or second death?
53:24 - Regarding Revelation 1:7, who are the “ones that pierced Him”? Is this a past or future event?
55:22 - Please explain John 5:43 and Acts 4:12 and are these verses related?
58:00 - I heard that capital punishment is okay, but the Bible says not to kill. Is this a contradiction?
59:08 - I’ve heard that we’re saved by faith in Christ, but why does Revelation say that we are judged according to our deeds?
59:29 - If Adam and Eve were the same race why are there so many different traces now? Where did they come from?


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