Andrey Moraru - Yoga & Handbalance - "STOIC"

Описание к видео Andrey Moraru - Yoga & Handbalance - "STOIC"

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor". - Alexis Carrel

I thank all the Yoga practitioners, teachers and students who inspired me to seek greater balance within.

Much gratitude to Ed Zaragoza for wise council during trials and direction in exploring Yoga wisdom, Shana Meyerson for inspiration through her endless creativity in asanas which gave me first ideas for implementing them as expressions within my Art, and Brent Laffoon for being a positive example of Yoga practice in life.

Additional big thanks to Gaby Rosa for helping to find filming venue, "NOVA 535" Event Space for their generous permission to take extra time to film, and Charmaine George for amazing cinematography and all the hard work during hours of filming.


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