Audi Pontus - Marc Vilajuana

Описание к видео Audi Pontus - Marc Vilajuana

[CAT] Audi Pontus, Unicum anònim

Audi Pontus és un cantus planus comunament anomenat cant gregorià provinent del Codex Las Huelgas, un manuscrit de Burgos, s. XIV. És l'anunciació de l’Apocalipsi per part d’un àngel.

En aquell moment el temor era l’ira de Déu. Avui dia, Déu ens fa de mirall i ens posa al centre com a màximes responsables del futur gairebé imminent del món on vivim.
Extractivisme energètic, material i cultural; accions humanes on modifiquem a ritme frenètic els ecosistemes naturals que ens sostenen i dels quals també en formem part.

Alhora, parlo de la situació, no amb un manifest, sinó amb un cant, una melodia històrica escrita fa gairebé dos mil anys, un honest intent de comunicar bellesa, doncs tinc esperança.
Fa temps que veig canvis al meu voltant. Les persones se’n adonen que quantitat no és qualitat, que la vida austera amaga molts plaers i que allò essencial ja està cobert, sols cal deixar de buscar i gaudir-ho. Engeguem aquest altre futur possible.

Som la natura defensant-se a si mateixa. - Fridays for Future

[EN] Audi Pontus, Unicum anonymous

Audi Pontus is a cantus planus -commonly referred to as Gregorian Chant-from the Las Huelgas Codex, a manuscript originated from Burgos in the XIV Century. It’s the anouncement of the Apocalypse by an angel.

At that time the greatest fear was God’s wrath. Nowadays God is our mirror and places us in the centre as the sole responsible for- the almost imminent- future of the world we inhabit.
Energetic extractivism, both material and cultural; human action that modifies at an alarming rate the natural ecosystems that sustain us and that we are part of.

I speak of the situation not with a manifest, but through song, a historic melody written almost two thousand years ago, an honest attempt of communicating beauty, as I have hope.
I’ve seen changes happen around me for some time. People are becoming aware that quantity isn’t quality, that an austere life can contain many pleasures and that that which is essential is already there, one needs to stop searching and enjoy. Let’s begin this other possible future.

We’re nature defending herself.- Fridays for Future

(Traducció: Lucy Tcherno)


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